Written by Martine Røysted Solås // 25 March 2023
In 2022, three master students completed their Master projects with HypOnFjordFish: Carl Bukowski, Karen Rosland and Øivind Andersen. All three worked hard with their respective research questions and provided exciting results!

Carl studied the effects of hypoxia on mesopelagic crustaceans (shrimp and krill). He compared their abundance, size and trophic ecology (who eats what) in fjords with different oxygen conditions.

Karen (in the middle) studied the distribution, diet and hypoxia tolerance of two small shark species in our fjords.

Øivind studied the effect a parasasitic copepod on the mesopelagic fish Glacier lanternfish (Benthosema glaciale) in some of our fjords including Masfjorden and Fensfjorden.